
Friday, June 28, 2013

Flowers Makes Her Love you

Women have always loved to receive the gift of flowers. Flowers are a symbol of life and beauty thus when you gift a flower to a women, they feel vibrant and full of life. It make them feel that she is incredibly special for you. When you gift a specially made bouquet to her, it will increase her affection for you. Flowers are also able to express your feeling on different occasions. Read more at below given link.

Monday, June 24, 2013

15 mistakes while choosing wedding flowers bouquet

Choosing the flowers for your wedding a tough task. Sometime brides make common mistakes in choosing the wedding flower bouquet. Here we have listed the views of top wedding florists.
  1. Flower Mistake 1: Not seeing the big picture
  2. Flower Mistake 2: Not trusting your florist
  3. Flower Mistake 3: Not reusing ceremony arrangements
  4. Flower Mistake 4: Booking your florist last
  5. Flower Mistake 5: Refusing to compromise
  6. Flower Mistake 6: Ruling out pricey blooms
  7. Flower Mistake 7: Not communicating with your florist
  8. Flower Mistake 8: Using only one color
  9. Flower Mistake 9: Choosing strongly scented flowers
  10. Flower Mistake 10: Not taking care of your blooms
  11. Flower Mistake 11: Forgetting to budget for flowers
  12. Flower Mistake 12: Taking on too much DIY
  13. Flower Mistake 13: Ordering your flowers too late
  14. Flower Mistake 14: Choosing an oversized bouquet
  15. Flower Mistake 15: Overlooking the reception table linens


12 Tips To Consider While Buying Flowers

1. You buy more flowers for your mother than your lover. In fact, I sell twice as many flowers on Mother’s Day as I do at Valentine’s. But the person you’re most likely to buy flowers for is yourself.

2. You don’t want to know about the flower miles. Buy roses in April and they’ll have been flown in from Kenya or Ecuador. If you want home-grown varieties for Mother’s Day, stick to narcissi, tulips and tête-à-tête. Or go for chrysanths, which grow all year round.

3. I use cellophane for a reason. It protects the flowers, allows bouquets to be delivered in water and won’t go soggy.

4. Fruit murders flowers. It gives off ethylene, a gas that accelerates ripening. If you want to hang on to your flowers, move the fruit bowl and think twice before buying them from the supermarket (most flowers are sold in the fruit and veg section).

5. Do you like cold baths? Neither do flowers. With the exception of spring bulbs such as tulips and daffs, lukewarm water is best. It contains less oxygen, preventing bubbles forming in the stem and blocking water uptake.

6. There’s nothing wrong with garage flowers. It’s the conditions they’re kept in that are pants.

7. Your nose isn’t blocked. Most flowers are bred for show, not smell. If scent is a priority and you want something unusual, try waxflowers, mimosa, stephanotis or eucharis.

8. Daffodils are bad mixers and so are narcissi. Both give off latex, which kills other flowers. If you want a mixed bunch, add cut flower food for bulbs to the water or keep daffodils in isolation for 12 hours first.

9. The picture’s a guide, not a promise. If the flowers are unavailable, I’ll need to use a substitute. It doesn’t often happen because the designs are chosen, so they’re easy for any florist to deliver year-round.

10. The trick to making flowers last is to cut stems at an angle so more water gets to the flowers. Take off at least an inch but don’t crush them or use blunt scissors. Add flower food (not aspirin, bleach, or sugar) to the vase and strip off any leaves below the water, to stop bacteria forming.

11. Tell me if you’re taking flowers to hospital. I’ll know if they’re allowed (some hospitals still ban them) and I’ll arrange them in florist’s foam, so you don’t have to beg for a vase.

12. Some roses never bloom. Pinch the buds — if they’re like bullets, walk away. Drooping roses are just as annoying. If it happens when you get home, cut the stems and dunk in boiling water. Then leave in cold water for two hours.


Quelques règles simples pour donner des fleurs

L'amour est au-delà de tout, il ne connaît pas de frontières et ne suit aucune coutumes et traditions. Mais si vous envisagez de donner à quelqu'un spécial un bouquet de fleurs, vous devez connaître quelques règles simples pour offrir des fleurs. Les fleurs ont des significations spécifiques et le sens ne change pas avec la couleur et avec les chiffres et leur présentation. Donc, assurez-vous que vous suivez la fleur donnant etiquettes pour transmettre les bons sentiments.

Roses rouges représentent l'amour romantique. Dans le cas où vous avez à donner des roses à un ami, prendre roses jaunes. Pour le transport des sentiments d'amour pour un membre de la famille, vous devez choisir roses blanches. Si vous êtes en amour avec quelqu'un, donner des roses de couleur rose ou pêche pour exprimer votre admiration.

Pour les anniversaires, vous pouvez également envoyer des fleurs de lys. Ils signifient innocence et sont généralement administrés à une personne humeur douce. Pour envoyer des fleurs à votre mère le jour de mère, un bouquet de marguerites ou des oeillets est idéal. Oeillets blancs représentent l'amour pur et sont parfaits pour exprimer votre gratitude envers votre mère.

Vous pouvez aussi donner des œillets à une femme en qui vous intéresse romantique. Oeillets rouges représentent admiration et sont appropriés pour transmettre vos sentiments.

Pour les amis, les chrysanthèmes sont aussi de bonnes fleurs. Ils sont les fleurs de l'amitié et informer le destinataire qu'il / elle est aimé comme un ami. Chrysanthèmes blancs symbolisent l'amitié digne de confiance, mais chrysanthèmes rouges signifient l'amour aussi.

Envoyez les bonnes fleurs à vos proches pour transmettre vos sentiments.

Les meilleures options de fleur de mariage d'été

Si les cloches de mariage vont bientôt sonner, vous devez être occupé à faire des arrangements pour le plus beau jour de votre vie. Avez-vous sélectionné les fleurs de mariage pour la décoration? Découvrez quelques-unes des meilleures options de fleur de mariage d'été pour ajouter une touche éthérée à votre fête de mariage.

Marguerite-vous pouvez les utiliser seuls ou avec d'autres fleurs pour ajouter une touche subtile de la décoration ainsi que le bouquet de mariage.

Oeillets, ils sont vraiment des fleurs de mariage polyvalents. Disponible dans de nombreux coloris, vous pouvez choisir celles qui complètent le thème global de votre mariage.

Pois doux, comme leur nom l'indique, ces sentent vraiment doux et très joli à regarder. Utilisez-les pour créer une île paradisiaque à descendre.

Lavande utiliser ces fleurs pour ajouter un arôme divin pour votre événement. La lavande est généralement disponible à la fin des étés.

Iris, si vous voulez faire les choses un peu out-of-the-way, utilisez Iris. Leurs couleurs vives et audacieuses peuvent ajouter une touche dramatique à l'ensemble de la manifestation.

Gerberas, gros et gras, et disponibles dans une variété de nuances et de teintes, ces fleurs peuvent être utilisées de plusieurs façons pour décorer la salle, dans les bouquets de mariage et un bouquet de mariée.

Roses, quand il ya quelque chose de spécial et d'aussi romantique que le mariage, vous ne pouvez pas faire sans roses. Beau, classique, chic et intemporel, les roses sont tout simplement les plus belles fleurs pour n'importe quel mariage.

Utilisez ces fleurs d'été d'ajouter l'amour, la romance, la beauté et du style à votre réception de mariage.

Tout le meilleur pour le démarrage d'une nouvelle phase de votre vie!

Rose: chaque couleur a quelque chose de spécial à dire

Les roses sont rouges, et rose, et jaune, et orange aussi. Lisez la suite pour connaître les couleurs roses et leurs significations à donner les bonnes fleurs pour exprimer vos sentiments.

Une rose rouge dit je t'aime. Une rose qui est de couleur orange indique que nous pouvons être plus que des amis? Les roses roses représentent l'admiration, de grâce et d'élégance. Roses qui sont pêche de couleur claire signifient modestie et d'amitié.

Les roses blanches colorées représentent la pureté, l'innocence et la jeunesse. Les roses jaunes véhiculent l'amitié. Il est également synonyme de mourir d'amour. Une rose pourpre est donnée pour transmettre le message de l'amour à première vue. Roses pourpres signifient aussi les souvenirs d'un conjoint décédé. Roses vertes représentent le calme et la tranquillité.

Roses noires symbolisent la douleur et de la mort et sont considérés comme un présage dans de nombreuses cultures.

Non seulement les différentes couleurs représentent des significations différentes, même leurs numéros véhiculent des significations spécifiques. Un bouquet de six roses rouges dire que je vous adore alors que contenant quinze roses dit que je suis désolé. 50 roses sont utilisés pour transmettre l'amour profond et la passion et ils disent que je t'aime peu importe quoi. Pour proposer quelqu'un, 108 roses rouges sont donnés et pour exprimer sa dévotion, 100 roses rouges sont donnés.

Espérons que l'information partagée ci-dessus vous aidera à choisir les bons roses prochaine fois que vous voulez dire Je t'aime ou désolé pour quelqu'un de spécial.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Invia Mi dispiace fiori-fanno le scuse sincere e facile

Se hai male a qualcuno, intenzionalmente o meno, non esitate a chiedere scusa. Rendendo scuse per le vostre azioni o parole, si può evitare di perdere un amico prezioso o un collega premuroso o un bel vicino di casa. Per rendere le vostre scuse semplice e sincero, mando io sono fiori dispiace.

Come ti amo i fiori, ho cura di te i fiori, Mi vuoi sposare fiori, mi manchi fiori, ci sono io sono fiori dispiace troppo. Questi fiori sono noti anche come i fiori scuse e che trasmettono le scuse dal mittente al destinatario in un non detto, ma in un modo emotivo.

Si potrebbe inviare un mazzo di rose rosse e bianche. Rose rosse si distinguono per la fedeltà e bianco per la castità. Quando combinati, creano il regalo perfetto per la richiesta di perdono da parte di amici e familiari. Per chiedere scusa a qualcuno per aver mancato un appuntamento o una riunione, è possibile anche inviare garofani rosa. Garofani rosa dicono che non dimenticherò mai di nuovo. È possibile combinare con garofani bianchi come questi stanno per ricordo.

Crema di tulipani sono ancora altre scuse fiori. Se si desidera cercare il perdono sincero e profondo di una persona cara, combinare crema di tulipani con quelli di colore rosa. Tulipani Rosa trasmettono profonda cura e sono utilizzati per la ricerca del perdono in varie culture.

Per scusarsi, si può anche inviare giacinti. Invia aqua blue o giacinti colorati bianchi a chiedere perdono da parte del destinatario.

Considerare l'invio di questi fiori scuse prossima volta che si desidera chiedere scusa a una persona cara o un amico.

Numeri interessanti di Garofani

Garofani sono popolari in tutto il mondo per la loro bellezza classica e la freschezza di lunga durata. Delicato e delizioso, questo fiore supera anche le rose in termini di popolarità.

Qui ci sono alcuni numeri interessanti di garofani.

Si ritiene che Garofani sono originariamente dalle parti del Mediterraneo del mondo.

I cristiani credono che i garofani fiorivano sulla terra quando Maria piangeva per Gesù quando egli portò la sua croce.

Ci sono state evidenze che suggeriscono l'uso di garofani in epoca greca e romana. Garofani sono stati utilizzati in arte e decorazione.

Il nome scientifico di Garofani è Dianthus caryophyllus. Dianthus significa fiore dell'amore o fiore degli Dei.

Garofano è il fiore nazionale della Spagna, Garofano rosso scarlatto è il fiore dello Stato dell'Ohio. Garofano è anche il simbolo della rivoluzione dei garofani portoghese.

Garofani significano amore, gratitudine, ammirazione. Ma diversi colori di garofani hanno significati diversi.

Garofani sono disponibili in molti colori, tra cui rosso, rosa, bianco, giallo, pesca, marrone, e malva. Ogni colore incarna un'emozione speciale e significato.

In alcune culture, come la Francia, garofani stanno per sfortuna e disgrazie.

Si tratta di una pratica comune tra gli studenti dell'Università di Oxford in Inghilterra per portare garofani bianchi al primo esame, rosa negli esami intermedi e rosso l'ultimo esame. Il fiore porta fortuna e successo.

Ora la prossima volta che ordinare fiori on-line o di acquistarli presso un fiorista locale, si sarebbe sicuramente pensare di garofani in un modo speciale.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The best summer wedding flower options

If wedding bells are soon going to ring, you must be busy making arrangements for the most special day of your life. Have you selected the wedding flowers for decoration? Check out some of the best summer wedding flower options to add an ethereal touch to your wedding reception party.

Daisies-you can use them alone or along with other flowers to add a subtle touch to the décor as well as to the wedding bouquet.

Carnations-they truly are a versatile wedding flowers. Available in so many colors, you can pick the ones that complement the overall theme of your wedding.

Sweet Peas-as their name suggests, these smell really sweet and are very pretty to look at. Use them for creating a heavenly isle to walk down.

Lavender-use these flowers to add a divine aroma to your event. Lavender is usually available in late summers.

Iris-if you want to do things in a little out-of-the-way, use Iris. Their bright and bold colors can add a dramatic feel to the whole event.

Gerberas-big and bold, and available in a variety of shades and hues, these flowers can be used in many ways for decorating the venue, in wedding bouquets and bridal bouquet.

Roses-when it is something as special and as romantic as marriage, you just can’t do without roses. Beautiful, classic, chic, and timeless, roses are simply the best flowers for any wedding.

Use these summer flowers to add love, romance, beauty, and style to your marriage reception.

All the best for starting a new phase of your life!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Quelles sont les meilleures fleurs pour votre mère?

Même si la Fête des Mères vient de passer, vous pouvez toujours envoyer des fleurs à votre mère pour exprimer votre amour et d'affection. Un magnifique bouquet de fleurs fraîches et parfumées se toucher son cœur et lui donnerait un immense plaisir de savoir combien vous les aimez et s'occuper d'elle.

Mais savez-vous qui sont les meilleures fleurs pour votre mère?

Roses-ils symbolisent la Vierge Marie et sont considérés comme les fleurs sacrées à Isis-la déesse grecque et mère idéale. Vous pouvez donner des roses roses ou jaunes pour remercier ou pour lui dire qu'elle est synonyme de l'élégance et de la grâce.

Oeillets-oeillets sont le symbole classique de l'amour maternel et d'affection. Les chrétiens croient que le premier oeillet fleuri sur la terre quand s'écria Mère Marie de Jésus quand il portait la croix.

Lilas cette belle fleur signifie l'amour entre une mère et un enfant et c'est bien le bon choix pour le jour de l'occasion de la mère et même le contraire.

Orchidées Les orchidées sont extrêmement belles fleurs que n'importe quelle mère serait heureuse de recevoir. Ces fleurs signifient la beauté et le raffinement et sont donc considérés comme idéal pour les envoyer aux mères.

Tulipe-tulipes représentent une nouvelle vie et de la charité, mais leur beauté et la grâce qui les rend un bon choix pour les mères.

Lorsque vous envoyez des fleurs à votre mère, vous pouvez aussi garder à l'esprit ses préférences de couleur ou de son signe solaire pour acheter les bonnes fleurs pour elle.

Which is your zodiac flower?

Every Zodiac sign has its own unique characteristics. While some are calm and quiet, others are aggressive in nature. There are specific colors and gemstones that favor various zodiac signs. It is popularly believed that by wearing one’s gemstones or one’s zodiac colors, one can enhance one’s personality traits and also one’s fortune.

But do you know that there are zodiac flowers too? Read on to know which flowers correspond to your sun sign.

Aries-sweet pea, daffodils, honeysuckle, tulips
Taurus-Daisy, cornflowers, African Lily
Gemini-Orchid, Chrysanthemum, Lily of the Valley
Cancer-Water Lily, Lotus, Morning glory, White Flowers
Leo-Sunflower, Marigold
Virgo-Morning Glory, Lotus
Libra-Rose, Blue flowers
Scorpio-Gladiolus, Chrysanthemum
Sagitarius- Pink Carnations, Dandelion
Capricorn-Jasmine, Narcissus
Aquarius-hibiscus, Orchids
Pisces-White poppy, water lily

Use this valuable information to buy the right zodiac flower for yourself and your loved ones. The recipients would appreciate the fact that you have send them their zodiac flowers and would truly cherish your gift of beautiful flowers.

May the flower spread their fragrance and beauty in to your life!!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Basic-Etiketten für den Versand Sympathie Blumen

Blumen sind ein wichtiger Bestandteil von fast jedem Ritual, sei es um Leben oder Tod in Zusammenhang stehen. Blumen bedeuten Mitgefühl, Wärme und Rücksichtnahme und werden daher als wichtiges Mittel der Kommunikation Kondolenzschreiben sein. Verstorbene werden mit frischen Blumen, um sie in nach dem Leben zu helfen und zog an die Familienmitglieder als Symbol der Hoffnung und der Rückkehr der Freude gegeben.

Blumen sind ein Sinnbild für zarte Schönheit. Wenn geschmackvoll eingerichtet, kann jede Blume gegeben Sympathie auf den Tod eines geliebten Menschen zu exprimieren. Allerdings gibt es bestimmte Blumen, die weitgehend als Sympathie Blumen wie Lilien, Gladiolen, Löwenmäulchen, Chrysanthemen, Nelken, daises und Rosen gegeben sind.

Hier können Sie Sympathie Blumen, wenn Sie über die traurige Nachricht zu hören bekommen. Die Familienangehörigen des Verstorbenen wird immer schätzen Ihre aufmerksame Geste und Sorge. Wenn Sie die Sympathie Blumen direkt an der Gedenkstätte oder Trauerfeier senden möchten, müssen Sie entscheiden, große Blumen zu senden. Aber für das Versenden von Blumen direkt an das Haus des Verstorbenen, senden Sie kleinere Arrangements.

Beim Senden Sympathie Blumen haben eine Karte mit entsprechenden Wörter hinzufügen, um Ihre Unterstützung und Rücksichtnahme zu zeigen. In liebevoller Erinnerung, mit tiefstes Mitgefühl und unsere Gedanken und Gebete sind mit Ihnen einige der Nachrichten, die Sie auf der Karte zusammen mit den Sympathie Blumen geschickt werden schreiben können, sind.

Tod eines geliebten Menschen kann eine der schwierigsten Dinge zu akzeptieren. Blumen, Trost bieten und hoffen, dass die Angehörigen des Verstorbenen.

Express your love with these Romantic flowers

If you are in love in with someone and you are feeling shy to express it, give away romantic flowers to that someone special. Flowers speak an eloquent language of love. They would convey romance and passion and would express your feelings to your sweetheart in the perfect manner.

There are so many romantic flowers that you can choose from for spelling out love and romance in your life. Red roses are the classic flowers that symbolize love and romance. Give a bunch of red roses or a single rose bud to tell how much you love the person.

Daisies stand for love in its purest form. They also epitomize innocent love and are ideal for expressing your love to your sweetheart. Iris is another romantic flower that stands for faith and hope and is considered to be a symbol of true love.

Send Orchids to spell the magic of love and romance. An extremely beautiful flower, Orchid is ideal for taking your love to new heights. Carnations are equally popular amongst love struck people. This pretty flower stands for fascination and is generally used for conveying one’s secret passion and love towards the recipient.

Some other romantic flowers that you can give away for expressing your love and passion to your sweetheart are Tulips, Sunflowers, Lilacs, Lily, and wildflowers.

Express you love through these romantic flowers to weave a saga of love in your life!!

How the world buy flowers?

A lot of people gift flowers to their beloved ones to express their emotions. We have compiled an infographic about how the world buy flowers. This infographic shows that how many people buy flowers on calender & non-calender occasion & also the percentage of flowers being purchased by gender wise.

How 9 Countries Celebrate Father's Day


Happy Father’s Day! This year, are you thinking of honoring your pop by wearing pink, drinking Schnapps in the woods and touching his feet with your forehead? Turns out you’re not alone in celebrating this way. 


Father’s Day in Thailand isn’t until December 5th. And that’s because the day coincides with the birthday of their current king (in this case, Bhumibol Adulyadej). It’s also a recent tradition to wear pink, after King Bhumibol was seen in 2007 leaving a hospital in a pink blazer following a health scare. Another (fading) custom involves Thais giving the gift of a Canna flower to their fathers and grandfathers.
So, if you’re not looking forward to a day of Buds at Applebee’s, do we have an alternative for you!


The closest thing to Father’s Day here is Defender of the Fatherland Day, originally established to commemorate the establishment of the Red Army during the Russian Civil War. Now observed on February 23rd, it is a day to honor not only those serving in the military, but men in general. Thus, in addition to getting gifts from their children, fathers can sometimes expect gifts from female co-workers. Twice as many ties to not wear!


The country’s Gokarna Aunsi is not actually celebrated until late summer, and it’s not officially a Father’s Day in the Western sense. In fact, its name literally translates to “cow eared no moon night.” So where does pops factor in? Well, not only does he get some gifts, he is honored to be touched on his feet by his son’s forehead. Hopefully, one of the gifts in question was socks.


There’s not much unusual about Father’s Day here … other than there finally is one. Romania is notable in that it was the last EU nation to have a Father’s Day, which wasn’t made official until 2010. This change largely came due to the efforts of a group called TATA, or the Alliance Fighting Discrimination Against Fathers. 


Father’s Day in these predominantly Catholic nations coincides with the Feast of St. Joseph, an observation in honor of guys named Joe, carpenters, things like that. However, since the Feast falls on March 19th, it comes right in the middle of Lent, meaning—gasp!—no meat. On Father’s Day. You might as well take your mom out for a night of MMA while you’re at it.


Now here’s a place that gets it right—or at least did get it right. First of all, Father’s Day (Vatertag) here is a federal holiday.  Secondly, the traditional celebration involves men going on hikes in the woods pulling wagons loaded with beer and schnapps. Then they get loaded. Sadly, in modern times, this celebration has essentially devolved into an amateur-hour pub crawl, but hey, the idea was sound.


We’re guessing you are up on how Father’s Day is celebrated here in the states: a call to your pop. However, unlike Mother’s Day, you seem to not have any trouble sticking your parental unit with the charges. This traditionally makes Father’s Day the busiest day of the year for collect calls … and makes you kind of a cheapskate.

Read the full text here: 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

12 Father's Day Gifts From Etsy Which Your Dad Will Actually Want

If You are planning to buy a tie for your father on Father's Day, then stop now. Gift him something that speaks to his personality. After all, dads are just like any other guy and they've got their own set of styles and interests. Below you will get some ideas for Father's Day gift from your Dad.

1. Steampunk Mechanical Pocket Watch

fathers day gifts
Photo Credit: HG foreverstar/Etsy
2. Vintage Aviator Sunglasses
fathers day gifts
Photo Credit: Recycle Buy Vintage/Etsy
3. Stainless Steel Flask
fathers day gifts
Photo Credit: Trixie and Milo/Etsy
4. Pocket Square Handkerchief
fathers day gifts
Photo Credit: Zelma Rose/Etsy
5. Cigarette Case And Lighter
fathers day gifts
Photo Credit: Steamcrunk/Etsy
6. All-In-One iPhone Case & Wallet
fathers day gifts
Photo Credit: Mike Macadaan/Etsy
7. Vintage Genuine Leather Belt
fathers day gifts
Photo Credit: Alicja/Etsy
8. Messenger Leather Journal
fathers day gifts
Photo Credit: Love To Journal/Etsy
9. Wide Sterling Silver Band
fathers day gifts
Photo Credit: Red Poppy Company/Etsy
10. Burgundy Leather Snap Keychain
fathers day gifts
Photo Credit: Pease Blossom Studio/Etsy
11. Polaroid Camera 600 Midnight Blue
fathers day gifts
Photo Credit: Adriana Alcorta/Etsy
12. Cow Leather Shoulder Bag
fathers day gifts


Great gift ideas for Father’s Day

Mothers got all the pampering and affection last month on the Mother’s Day. Now it’s the turn of dads. Father’s Day is this Sunday, June 16, and it’s time to buy some nice gift to make your father feel special and loved.

Check out some great gift ideas for your father

Golf sticks or any other sporting equipment-If your Dad loves playing golf or soccer, you could buy him his favourite sport gear. Remember the good old days when he used to buy you your favourite sport equipment? Now it’s probably your turn to do the same.

Electronic gadgets-most men have a passion for electronic gadgets. If you have budget, check out the latest mobile phone, iPad, or a laptop to gift it to your tech-savvy father.

T shirts with funny slogans-T shirts with funny slogans make really cute gifts for Father’s day. You can even create your own funny slogan T shirt using the latest design software that are available online. Personalize the t shirt with your dad’s photograph or the one featuring you and your father. He would treasure this gift for ever.

Books-If you father enjoys reading, buy books to present him this Father’s Day. It would be even better if you know his favourite authors. Surprise him with the latest editions or the rare, hard-to-find classics.

Flowers-simple, sweet, and beautiful, you can never go wrong with flowers. Send flowers to your father a day before in his office. He would be surprised as he would be least expecting the flowers from you then. A bouquet of red roses on his workstation would let him boast in front of everyone how much his son/daughter loves him.

There is lot more that you can choose for Father’s day gift. Buy anything that you like but don’t miss the opportunity to express your love to your father who has been and will always be your real Hero.

Happy father’s day to all!!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Poche semplici regole per dare i fiori

L'amore è al di là di tutto ciò, ma non conosce confini e segue senza costumi e tradizioni. Ma se state pensando di dare a qualcuno di speciale un mazzo di fiori, è necessario conoscere alcune regole semplici per dare i fiori. I fiori hanno un significato specifico e il significato non cambia con il colore e con i numeri e la loro presentazione. Quindi, assicurarsi di seguire il fiore di dare etichette per trasmettere i sentimenti giusti.

Rose rosse stanno per amore romantico. Nel caso in cui devi dare le rose a un amico, scegliere le rose gialle. Per il trasporto di sentimenti di amore per un membro della famiglia, è necessario scegliere le rose bianche. Se sei innamorato di qualcuno, dare rose color rosa o pesca per esprimere la vostra ammirazione.

Per compleanni, è possibile anche inviare gigli. Significano innocenza e sono di solito dato a una persona indole dolce. Per l'invio di fiori a tua madre il giorno della madre, un mazzo di margherite o garofani è l'ideale. Garofani bianchi stanno per amore puro e sono perfetti per esprimere la tua gratitudine verso tua madre.

Si può anche dare i garofani a una donna in cui si è interessati sentimentalmente. Garofani rossi si distinguono per l'ammirazione e sono adatti per trasmettere i tuoi sentimenti.

Per gli amici, i crisantemi sono anche buone fiori. Sono i fiori di amicizia e di raccontare il destinatario che lui / lei è amato come amico. Crisantemi bianchi simboleggiano l'amicizia fidata ma crisantemi rossi significano amore pure.

Invia i fiori giusti per i vostri cari per trasmettere i tuoi sentimenti.

Rose: each color has something special to say

Roses are Red, and Pink, and Yellow, and orange too. Read further to know about rose colors and their meanings to give away the right flowers to express your feelings.

A red rose says I Love you. A rose that is orange in color says can we be more than friends? Pink roses stand for admiration, grace, and elegance. Roses that are light peach in color signify modesty and friendship.

White colored roses stand for purity, innocence, and youth. Yellow roses convey friendship. It also stands for dying love. A purple rose is given to convey the message of love at first sight. Purple roses also signify memories of a dead spouse. Green roses stand for calm and tranquillity.

Black roses symbolize grief and death and are considered as an omen in many cultures.

Not only do different colours stand for different meanings, even their numbers convey specific meanings. A bouquet of six red roses say that I adore you whereas that containing fifteen roses says I am sorry. 50 roses are used to convey deep love and passion and they say I love you no matter what. For proposing someone, 108 red roses are given and for expressing one’s devotion, 100 red roses are given.

Hope the information shared above will help you pick the right roses next time you want to say I love you or sorry to that someone special.

Interesting facts about Father’s Day

The concept of Father’s Day is not very old. It came about a century ago by Sonora Dodd who lived in Spokane in Welsh. Dodd’s father, William Smart, was a widowed civil war veteran who raised six children on a farm. Dodd wanted to honor her father for all that he did for his children. The mayor of Spokane chose June 17 as the Father’s Day celebration. June also happens to be Smart’s birth month.

The first Father’s Day was celebrated on June 17, 1910. In 1966 President Lyndon Johnson designated the third Sunday of June as Father’s Day.

Since 1972, Father’s Day is celebrated annually in the USA as President Richard Nixon signed the public law that made this day as permanent for celebration of Father’s day. Father’s day is observed as a National holiday in the USA since then.

Whereas in the UK and the USA, the third Sunday of June is celebrated as the Father’s Day, in Australia they celebrate the Father’s day on the first Sunday in the month of September.

According to statistics, there were more than 70 million fathers in America in 2011 and 1.7 million were single fathers.

The Americans spend roughly $ 1 billion on buying father’s day gifts.

It is the fifth largest occasion for sending cards in America. Stats reveal that 100 million cards are sent annually on Father’s day in America alone. In the UK, 7 million Father’s day cards are sent annually.

While cards are the most popular Father’s day gifts, neck ties, electronic gadgets, sports equipment, books, clothes, and flowers are also popular gifts for Father’s day.

Rose is the official flowers for Father’s Day.

10 Reasons To Celebrate Father's Day

Father's day is celebrated on third Sunday of June. Do you know from where the inspiration to celebrate Father's day come. Obviously it is Mother's Day.

Sonora Dodd, one of six children raised by a widower tried to establish an official equivalent to Mother’s Day. Urging her state to recognize and honor hard working fathers, Washington became the first state to celebrate Father’s Day.  However, efforts to celebrate the nation’s fathers didn’t meet with the same enthusiasm as honoring mothers-perhaps lacking in the same sentimental appeal that mothers have. Over the years men resisted the concept-scoffing at the attempt to “domesticate manliness with flowers and gift-giving.” Despite men’s reluctance gradually the idea of celebrating fathers caught on. In 1972 President Nixon made Father’s Day a federal holiday. Here we are telling you the reasons to celebrate Father's day.

  1. Dads are role models.
  2. Dads give good advice.
  3. Dads help out.
  4. Dads are adventurous.
  5. Dads are good sports.
  6. Dads are the “Rule Relaxer.
  7. Dads are fun play partners.
  8. Dads encourage.
  9. Dads inspire.
  10. Dads are special.


8 Tips To Celebrate Father's Day

Father's day has been celebrated from last 100 years. It is being celebrated in many countries around the world, although a different times in a year. In North America & United Kingdom it is celebrated on third Sunday of June. Read some tips here to celebrate father's day.

  1. Help dad to enjoy the day.
  2. Make it a family event.
  3. Consider building the celebration around an activity you all can enjoy.
  4. Be creative, do something special for him with your creative abilities.
  5. Celebrate your shared experiences.
  6. Acknowledge the importance of fatherhood.
  7. Make the day joyful.
  8. End his "fun-filled day" by telling your father you love him.


Monday, June 10, 2013

Fakten über Rosen

Roses sind eine der beliebtesten Blumen in der ganzen Welt. Wir geben Rosen zu unserem geliebten bei Geburtstagen, Jubiläen, Geburt eines Kindes, und andere besondere Anlässe.

Da unten sind einige interessante Fakten über Rosen, die Sie wissen müssen.

Laut Legenden, stieg die älteste lebende in der Welt ist fast 1000 Jahre alt und es wächst an der Wand der Kathedrale von Hildesheim in Deutschland. Es ist ein Volksglaube, dass der Rosenstrauch den Wohlstand der Stadt Hildesheim und solange die Blume blühen, Hildesheim nicht sinken symbolisiert.

Die größten privaten Rosengarten in der Welt ist in Cavriglia in Italien. Der Garten verfügt über mehr als 7.500 verschiedene Sorten von Rosen.

Der römische Kaiser Nero benutzt, um seine Gäste mit frischen Rosenblättern duschen.

Im Mittelalter stieg die Reichen verwendet zu setzen Blütenblätter und Rosenöl in ihre Bäder.

Die Blüten der Rosen sind essbar und schmecken ähnlich wie grüne Äpfel und Erdbeeren.

Birnen, Kirschen, Pflaumen, Pfirsiche, Aprikosen und Mandeln gehören alle zur Familie der Rosengewächse.

Es gibt mehr als 15000 verschiedene Arten von Rosen, die weltweit angebaut werden.

150 Millionen Rosengewächse sind von Gärtnern weltweit jedes Jahr gekauft.

Am Valentinstag werden Millionen von Rosen auf der ganzen Welt verkauft und fast 60% von ihnen sind rot.

Blumen bestellen online oder ihnen in Person. Vielmehr sind sie das perfekte Geschenk für fast jeden Anlass.

Facts about roses

Roses are one of the most popular flowers all over the world. We give roses to our loved ones on birthdays, anniversaries, birth of a baby, and on other special occasions.

Given below are some interesting facts about roses that you must know.

According to legends, the oldest living rose in the world is almost 1,000 years old and it grows on the wall of the Cathedral of Hildesheim in Germany. There is a popular belief that the rosebush symbolizes the prosperity of the city of Hildesheim and as long as the flower will flourish, Hildesheim will not decline.

The largest private rose garden in the world is situated in Cavriglia in Italy. The garden boasts of over 7,500 different varieties of roses.

The Roman Emperor Nero used to shower his guests with fresh rose petals.

During the Middle Ages, the wealthy used to put rose petals and rose oil in their baths.

The blooms of the roses are edible and they taste much like green apples and strawberries.

Pears, cherries, plums, peaches, apricots and almonds all belong to the Rose family.

There are over 15000 different types of roses that are cultivated worldwide.

150 million rose plants are purchased by gardeners worldwide each year.

On Valentine’s Day, millions of roses are sold all over the world and almost 60% of them are red.

Order flowers online or give them in person. They are indeed the perfect gift for almost every occasion.

Best Songs For Father's Day

Singing a song is best way to express your emotions. Since Father's day is coming soon, people have begun preparing in advance to express their heartiest feelings and sentiments to their father in the most special way. While some are busy in sending flowers to their father, buying luxurious gifts for their father, others sit back at home and creating homemade gift with their creativity. If you neither have the money nor the creative instincts to bring a smile to your dad's face then you can try third option. You can dedicate a song to him. Browse a list of some of the most popular Father's Day songs below.

  • Bridge Over Troubled Waters - Simon and Garfunkel
  • Daddy's Hand - Holly Dunn
  • Cat's in the Cradle - Harry Chapin
  • I'll Stand By You - The Pretenders
  • My Dad - Paul Petersen
  • My Father [Always Promised Me] - Judy Collins
  • My Father's Eyes - Eric Clapton
  • Through The Years - Kenny Rogers
  • Happy Father's Day - Loudon Wainwright
  • Seein' My Father In Me - Paul Overstreet
  • Just The Two Of Us - Grover Washington, Jr. and Bill Withers
  • Daddy's Little Girl - Frankie J
  • Papa Can You Hear Me? - Barbra Streisand
  • Dance With My Father - Luther Vandross
  • Butterfly Kisses - Bob Carlisle
  • Sorry Love Daddy - Brian Mcfadden
  • Papa Was A Rollin' Stone - The Temptations
  • Father and Son - Cat Stevens
  • Father and Daughter - Paul Simon
  • Get Ready, Get Set, Don't Go - Billy Ray Cyrus and Miley Cyrus
  • Things I wish I'd Said - Rodney Crowell
  • Sunrise Sunset - Fiddler on the Roof
  • A Song for Dad - Keith Lionel Urban
  • Don't Cry Daddy - Elvis Presley
  • Unforgettable - Nat King Cole and Natalie Cole
  • Thank You For Being My Dad - Jon Barker


Sunday, June 9, 2013

Top 10 Recommended Father’s Day Gift Ideas

Father's Day is round the corner(16 June). Have you thought out about what to do in honor of hero of your family. You can send flowers to your father, give health related product, hi-tech gadget or anything else. Your father will be pleased if you will particular attention to your father on that day. If you haven't prepared your gift or no idea about the gift, then we are giving 10 recommendations for gifts, which you can give to your father.

1. Create Father’s Day Poems
2. Homemade Father’s Day Greeting Cards
3. Make Father’s Day Photo collage
4. Watch a movie with your Dad
5. Give Dad a big hug
6. Sing father’s day songs
7. Make your Own Father’s Day DVD slideshow
8. Send Father’s Day messages
9. Give dad a Father’s Day promise
10. Take father to dinner